Please come to class prepared and ready to participate. Conversation is just as important as lecture; we all have something to teach each other.
Expect to be exposed to ideas with which you do not necessarily agree over the course of the semester. That said, when analyzing a piece, concentrate on how things are being said rather than what things are being said. We’re all here to become better writers. Disagreement is encouraged so long as it remains thoughtful and, more importantly, respectful. Keep in mind that each of us brings to this classroom our own unique life experience. Let’s all operate in good faith.
Attendance & Tardiness
This is a collaborative, discussion-based class; your presence is just as important as mine. In-class writing assignments factor into your grade, so regular attendance is essential. Inform me in advance if you know you will be absent on a particular day. Attendance will be taken during the first five minutes of each session. Anyone not present will be marked absent. If you miss more than four sessions, your final grade will be dropped by one letter. You will not pass the course if you miss more than six sessions. Please see me if you have special circumstances. I’m happy to work with you to help you complete this course.
We will be making extensive use of Blackboard throughout the semester. We’ll discuss the essentials during one of our first class sessions, but please take a little extra time to familiarize yourself with the system. Assignments, discussion board posts, readings, and grades will all live on Blackboard.
I am reachable and responsive via email at [email protected]. Feel free to shoot me a message whenever you have a question or concern between sessions. Please ensure you have access to and are using your address — this is where I will try to contact you should I need to get in touch.
Office Hours
I am available during office hours and by appointment. I’m happy to discuss any and all questions concerning writing, whether or not it pertains directly to this class. Please come by!
Late Work
Late submissions will be accepted, but your grade will be impacted accordingly. Expect a one letter-grade penalty per day. Assignments, discussion board posts, and peer review responses should be submitted before the start of class the day they are due. Speak with me if you’re having trouble with a particular deadline.
Drafting is an essential element of the major assignments for this course, as it is for all successful writing. If you are dissatisfied with the grade you receive on a final draft, you are welcome to revise and resubmit for a higher grade, up to a maximum of 85%. Revised drafts will only be accepted for one week following the posting of grades. You do not have the opportunity to revise assignments submitted after the original deadline.
All assignments must:
- Be double-spaced
- Be written in standard 12 point font (serif or sans-serif is your choice)
- Be submitted in PDF format (no .doc/.docx/.pages, please)
- Include page numbers and your last name in the header or footer
- Include a “Works Cited” page in MLA formatting
- Have an original, engaging title
Failure to follow formatting guidelines will result in a lower grade.
So long as they do not disrupt the learning environment, I will not police your device usage. We’re all adults; I assume anyone showing up to class is genuinely interested in paying attention and participating. You won’t need more than a pen and a notebook most days, but feel free to employ whatever you’re most comfortable using.
Food & Drink
Food and drinks are allowed as long as you don’t make a mess. This will change if it becomes an issue during the semester, but let’s not make it one. Again, we’re all adults.
Don’t do it. Read CUNY’s academic integrity policy here.
Please contact me privately if you need to discuss any sort of special accommodation as soon as possible. I’m happy to meet during office hours or chat via phone or email.
CCNY’s Statement on Community Standards
Student Support Services Program — NAC 6/148
SSSP invites new students, especially incoming freshmen and transfers at the start of fall, to join us up to our 500-student cap. SSSP students should be either first-generation college students OR have a family income below a certain threshold. SEEK students are not eligible to join as SSSP’s services in many ways mirror SEEK’s. To apply, complete the application at Accepted students have full access to SSSP’s services, which include academic advising, personal counseling, and tutoring in the Academic Resource Center in Marshak 1104. Tutoring supports all disciplines, and offers SSSP students the only online, 24/7 writing review service currently offered at City. Students requesting in-person writing tutoring are assigned to the same tutor for a series of meetings which can be weekly or customized to the students’ schedule of due dates.
Gateway Advising Center — NAC 1/220
Students without a declared major can receive academic advising, especially if you have questions about your course of study, core requirements, etc.
AccessAbility Center — NAC 1/218
The AccessAbility Center/Student Disability Services (AAC/SDS) ensures full participation and meaningful access to all of City College’s services, programs, and activities.
The Writing Center — NAC, Third Floor (off the Amsterdam Ave. plaza)
The City College Writing Center offers one-on-one assistance for students working on writing assignments and projects from any discipline.
SEEK Peer Academic Learning Center — NAC 4/224
Offers counseling and peer tutoring for students in need of academic and financial support who have registered for the SEEK Program.
The Counseling Center
The Counseling Center at CCNY offers individual and group counseling and crisis intervention to students. Students will meet with a counselor for an intake appointment during which time the counselor will discuss the student’s concerns and help to identify an appropriate plan for treatment.
Public Safety
The Department of Public Safety is located in NAC 4/201. The general information number is 212 650 6911. The emergency number is 212 650 7777.